Total Life Makeover Online Healing School
Please contact me to sign up to a LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE. This is a spirit guided mission that we received thru visions during meditation years ago. To put together a comprehensive online school/academy, training course taking you step by step to work on and shift many areas in your life. Receive high level guidance, coaching, support, training in these areas below:
Inner Child and Inner Baby Healing
Womb Healing
Clearing Negative Energies and Attachments
Healing Ancestral Lineage
Healing from Sexual Trauma
Cutting Negative Energetic cords
Balancing Chakras and learning about them
Healing from Poverty Conscious and Money Traumas
Improving romantic relationships or preparing for one
Improving family relationships or clearing energy
Learn how to use pendulum the right way to get info from your higher self
Learning about Juicing and Detox
Learn how to call for protection and invoke Arc Angels and only pure loving energies
Activate your Light Language aka Soul Language (Higher Dimensional Healing Energies)
Breath Work: Rebirthing and other beginner and more advanced breathing techniques
EFT Tapping: Healing energetic and emotional blocks, and help heal nervous system.
Past Life Regression, learn how to heal past lives that you have had
Heal through the Akashic Records. (Clearing out imprints of other lifetimes)
Soul Retrievals ( Very powerful shamanic healing to retrieve your own fragments)
Developing better morning routine to help you have much better days
Healing Money Trauma, Financial and Abundance Blocks, opening to abundance in all areas
Learning about plant medicines and the right and safe way to use them when called to it
Activating Kundalini, the important of awakening your life force safely to change your life
How to find your life purpose, and remember who you are
Mastering triggers and shadow work, clearing out negative programs