Healing Centers
In the future we will be creating and building Worlds First Lightworker Healing Retreat Center in nature.
One will be in the Jungle in Mexico. The other will be on a small private island with members that will be able to have a unit to stay there.
Mexico Healing Retreat Center:
Advanced Healing Technologies
Spiritual Art Museum and Sculptures in Nature
Plant Medicine Support with Loving Shamans
Volunteer Guardians living there working on missions for Humanity
Self Sustainable Food Grow
Advanced Healing modalities
Worlds First Fibromyalgia Donation Based Specialized Healing
Sound Healing Technologies
Belize Private Island Healing Retreat:
Private Island in Caribbean Ocean
Establishing own Sub Nation under the Creators Guidance for harmonious living
Future Opportunity to own Share in Private Island Healing Resort
Hosting facility for Spiritual Events
Lightworker Command Center guiding world problem solving solutions

If you would love to volunteer or support in any way, or if you have access to land in nature please reach out to seanlove144@gmail.com.
We will need all types of help in order to create and provide a world changing concept to help introduce healing technologies, mindfulness, creativity, and motivation in many schools, legalization of plant medicine, world class healing for Fibromyalgia and much more.
Worlds first private island healing retreat center with its own island laws, freedom with a beautiful spiritual community that has ownership in the private island. A team will be created to be able to focus on the creation of this divinely guided mission project.